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1 Game Reviews w/ Response

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I'm not voting this low because it is short, but because it looks like you haven't put any effort in it!

-The enter screen where the guy gets shot looks crappy and you putted the stop on the wrong place within this tween.

-When you check the computer you have made a screenshot from your own pc and you still have Flash open??? what sniper or assassin has FLASH open!? Just take some time and draw the screen yourself.

-Put some music on it to create a creepy atmosphere or something.

anyway if you make a sequel "please" create a different story? The idea with a hitman and a agency has been used like 1000 times.

Hope to see our next game anyway and see the improvements.

mrty responds:

I have to correct you.
- If you have read my commentary well, you will see that this game is not a crappy flash that was created in like 3 days in my lunch breaks. I spent totally 5 weeks for this, that's not a lie, and i think that means effort.
- The dying guy's tween is some kind of a bug, i don't know why, but i couldn't solve it.
- That open flash is an easter egg, you found it, but you didn't understand that it was an easter egg. (Imagine it's not an easter egg, why wouldn't a sniper make games in his free time? Maybe he is a NG User? Why not?) And, printing the outlook express screen and pasting to paint is not about being lazy, it's about quality, i was sure if i drew the screen myself, you wouldn't also like it.
- That breathing sound, if i am right, is not in any other sniper games in NG, so i thought it would be a creative idea.
- A hitman and an agency could have been used 1000 times, but which better idea you have for an assassin snipes for money?

Liking the arts

Age 35, Male


Joined on 8/19/07

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